Xinyu Shi

Xinyu Shi

石新羽 | CS PhD Student

Hi, I am Xinyu Shi, a third-year Ph.D. student at University of Waterloo in Canada. I am lucky to be advised by Prof. Jian Zhao in WatVis Research Group, affiliated with the WaterlooHCI Lab.

My research focuses on Human-AI Interaction (HCI), particularly, Design Intelligence and AI-Powered Creativity Support Tools. The goal of my research is to design, develop, and evaluate interactive systems to facilitate graphic design and enhance human creativity.

Outside of research, I am keen on exploring new possibilities in my life. I love skiing, playing badminton, rock climbing (only belay, no bouldering), and travelling. I have two cats, they are so sweet!

  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Design Intelligence
  • Creativity Support Tool
  • Human-AI Co-Creation
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science 2021 - Present

    University of Waterloo, Canada

  • B.Eng. in Software Engineering 2016 - 2020

    Xiamen University, China

  • 2024/05: I will be joining Adobe Research at San Jose as Research Intern this summer.
  • 2024/04: Super excited that Piet won Best Paper Award at CHI24!
  • 2024/01: Two papers conditionally accepted by CHI'24.
  • 2023/11: Passed my Comprehensive Exam II, I am a Ph.D. candidate now!
  • 2023/05: Interning at Microsoft Research Asia with Dr. Yun Wang.
  • 2023/04: Attentding CHI 2023 to present De-Stijl at Hamburg, Germany!
  • 2022/06: FeMaSR is accepted by ACM MM'22 and selected as Oral Presentation.
  • 2022/05: Transferred from M.Math to Ph.D. program.
  • 2021/09: Fortunate to receive the 2021 Vector Scholarship from Vector Institute.
  • 2021/09: Started my journey at University of Waterloo!


  • CHI 2024

    Exploring Interactive Color Palettes for Abstraction-Driven Exploratory Image Colorization

    In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
    PDF Video 30s Preview DOI

  • CHI 2023

    De-Stijl: Facilitating Graphics Design with Interactive 2D Color Palette Recommendation

    In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
    PDF Code Video 30s Preview Dataset (3.4G) DOI


    Real-World Blind Super-Resolution via Feature Matching with Implicit High-Resolution Priors

    In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Conference on Multimedia.
    PDF Code DOI

  • UbiComp 2021 / IMWUT 2020

    Teaching American Sign Language in Mixed Reality

    In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
    PDF Video DOI

  • ISMAR 2019

    Accurate and Fast Classification of Foot Gestures for Virtual Locomotion

    In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
    PDF Video DOI
